Transport & Storage: Lowepro Camera Bags & Pelican Cases - Canon EOS Technoclopedia

Lowepro Stealth Reporter AW Bags have for a long time been the only serious choice for me when traveling with camera equipment or just carrying my stuff around in town.
It's big enough to take a camera body with standard lens put on plus 2 additional non-L type lenses and any accessory I could need (including lens hoods). Actually its size is big enough to carry any photo equipment with a weight you'd still want to take on a journey with you in a shoulder strap type of a bag. Another matter with size also is the attention it draws on the bag. In many situations in not so safe regions a smaller bag is much better.
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Lowepro Stealth Reporter D100 AW

Almost everything about the SR D100 AW is great. It's materials and build quality are great. The shoulder strap is really comfortable. The interior concept is ok, although I sometimes feel like there could be just a bit more space in the accessory pocket or an additional accessory pocket in the top cover. The AW (All Weather) cover saved my camera's life numerous times, be it dirt 'n dust or just rain, and last but not least this bag features SlipLocks sidewards offering the possibility to extend the bag with one or even two of Lowepro's Lens Cases.
The only completely useless thing on that bag is the zipper in the top cover. This thing doesn't make any sense to me. I always mind about it as a weak point in wet situations, when the AW cover would usually not yet be considered to be used, if that zipper would not be there. The basic idea of that zipper is to easily access the camera in the bag without the need to open the clip locker and main zipper. Thing is, not even the smallest body will fit through there comfortably and you need to open the bag anyway to put everything back or to access one of the additional lenses or accessories. But hey ... nothing is perfect. And this bag is otherwise the most perfect bag in this size that I ever saw.

Lowepro Inverse 100 AW Belt Packs are just a little smaller in volume. I bought that bag lately for more mountain trekking oriented trips, where you need a bag to stay in the prefered position, instead of swinging around like a bag with shoulder strap.
I more and more tend to minimize my equipment and ended up traveling with only my Canon EOS 5D Mark II, an EF 50mm F1.4 and an EF 16-35mm F4.0L IS, plus lens hoods and polarizers for both. The Inverse 100 is big enough to handle this set, but doesn't offer any additional space, not even a useful pocket to store the filters inside. Quite minimalistic.
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Lowepro Stealth Reporter D100 AW

B&W International outdoor.cases are the second thing I can just recommend out of experience for rough off-road or outdoor action like canoeing or safari. They are available in several sizes. All of them are 100% dust and water proof (up to 5m) as well as resistant against chemicals. They are built of ABS plastic and are highly resistant against temperature (save from -40°C up to 80°C) and damage by being dropped (usually withstand drop tests up to 3m). The interior can be completely cushioned with foam to absorb any shocks that might damage camera bodies or lenses, alternatively there are also freely configurable padded partition inserts available. Thus these cases are the ideal armor for your camera equipment while on tour by boat, motorbike or car, and are also the ideal storage place at home, as long as you are not up for vitrines.
The bigger versions feature a very unique locking system for easy access (Type 30 and upwards). Shoulder strap and backpack carrier are optionally available.
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B&W Type 20 and Type 30 outdoor.cases

For comparison: Pelican cases are made of Polypropylene. They are given 10m diving ability, temperature resistance from -25°C up to 80°C, withstand drop tests up to 1.2m and stacking loads of up to 180kg. B&W outdoor.cases as well as Peli cases are covered by a lifetime warranty. Peli cases, however, do not feature that smart kind of opening mechanism ;).
The following B&W outdoor.cases are available:
Model Type Int. Size (mm) Ext. Size (mm) Weight (g) Volume (l) Color¹
Type 05 Box 205 x 145 x 70 225 x 170 x 85 500 2 B + O + Gt
Type 10 Suitcase 250 x 180 x 80 275 x 220 x 95 600 4 B + O
Type 20 Suitcase 250 x 180 x 140 275 x 225 x 155 1200 6 B + O
Type 30 Suitcase 335 x 210 x 135 365 x 265 x 155 1700 9 B + O
Type 40 Suitcase 385 x 265 x 150 410 x 325 x 165 1900 15 B + O
Type 50 Suitcase 420 x 300 x 170 455 x 365 x 185 3000 21 B + O
Type 55 Suitcase 420 x 300 x 300 455 x 365 x 315 4600 38 B
Type 61 Suitcase 480 x 360 x 210 500 x 425 x 320 4600 36 B + O
Type 65 Suitcase 590 x 420 x 195 665 x 495 x 210 7500 48 B
Type 66 Trolley 535 x 360 x 195 590 x 430 x 230 6700 38 B
Type 67 Trolley 535 x 360 x 245 590 x 430 x 285 7300 47 B
Type 68 Trolley 590 x 425 x 295 665 x 500 x 335 10500 74 B
Type 70 Trolley 675 x 425 x 210 755 x 500 x 250 9000 60 B
Type 72 Trolley 1150 x 355 x 155 1210 x 430 x 175 8500 63 B
Type 78 Trolley 755 x 535 x 370 840 x 615 x 410 15200 150 B
Type 80 Bag 255 x 200 x 195 270 x 235 x 205 2000 10 G
Type 85 Bag 310 x 235 x 230 340 x 275 x 245 3500 17 G
Type 90 Bag 375 x 255 x 265 410 x 295 x 280 4000 25 G

Model Compatible with Weight (g) Volume (l) Color¹
BPS 40 Backpack System for Type 40 Cases 1500   B
BPS 50 Backpack System for Type 50 Cases 1500   B
BPS 61 Backpack System for Type 61 Cases 1500   B
CS Shoulder Strap for Suitcases B

¹Colors: B = black, O = orange, G = gray, Gt = transparent green

Note: This is only a selection of stuff, that I know from my own experience. There is of course way more than that, but not here.
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